SLS News & Events

Saint Luke Society Korea Establish a New Medical Laboratory in the Future

Medical science is a continuous intensive research to improve quality of medical services and pharmaceutical needs for the healing and comfort of those who are in need. Saint Luke Society Korea plans to promote a qualitative service by relying on a great research and proven methods. Thus, SLS Korea plans to establish a new laboratory that will hold these works. With God’s grace, the hospital in Korea was established with great foundations and strong faith. As of

SLS Clinic Draws Close to Opening, Approve for Name: “Shenzhen Luke Chinese Medicine Clinic”

On December 5, 2017, the Shenzhen Municipal Health Bureau approved the name of the clinic that China Saint Luke Society submitted: “Shenzhen Luke Chinese Medicine Clinic”. This is the first clinic of China Saint Luke Society to be opened in China, and the core members are discussing various issues. We hope that through the opening of clinics, the development of Saint Luke Society will be promoted, more our members will be served, and the tabernacle

Missionary of Latin America Treated for Free in SLS Hospital in Korea

In early November, Pastor John and Rosa, a Latin American minister, visited the Saint Luke Hospital in Korea. They were consulted about their health conditions in the oriental medicine clinic, received a medical prescription, and had a dental checkup and treatment for free. Pastor John is a leading pastor of Latin America. Pastor John shared that he received many graces when he saw the hospital. Pastor John was a medical student from Argentina, but he quit

Missionaries from South America Received Treatments from Saint Luke Hospital Korea

A family from South America was treated by the members of Saint Luke Society ministry in the Hospital of Korea. With God’s grace, the family received a dental treatment free of charge from the hospital. Pastor Luna Choi and Pastor Gerald Guerrero missionaries from South America received treatment from the dental and oriental clinic in the hospital. Both had dental prophylaxis, cleaning of the teeth, and as well implants. Afterwards, both missionary also received treatment

SLS Korea Hospital Developing Into Higher Level of Service

The Saint Luke Society Hospital in Korea is preparing to develop and expand their programs as well as their current infrastructures. The expansion will be on the Health Examination Center and the current Chiropractic program of the Hospital will also be developed. The hospital planned to prepare the health examination center to a higher level of treating patients. Previously, the staff conducted simulations for the endoscopes, equipment used to look inside the body through a

A Pre-Med Student Shares His Testimony of Evangelism in Russia

I evangelized to a young man. He studies at my university and he’s Vietnamese. He’s a pharmacy student. The conversation just started plainly by me telling him about SLS and what we do and our objectives. Then from there, I started sharing with him the Good News. I started telling about Jesus, how and most importantly why he died for us. I shared with him about God’s love and how much God loves us. I was so

Saint Luke Society Dental Clinic Practices Painless Procedure

The 21st century is the era of advancement towards technology and medicine. Saint Luke Society Dental Clinic also plans to challenge their treatment and procedure adhering to this new era. For this challenge, SLS Dentistry plans to develop a painless dental treatment that is bearable for all ages and with any condition a patient has. Many countries throughout the world fear the dental treatment. This hinders patient to go a dental clinic and leads to more problematic disease

SLS Head of the Internal Medicine Doctor Shared His Testimony About Patient Accepting Jesus

Dr. Sujeong, Head of the Internal Medicine Doctor in Saint Luke Society, shared a testimony about her recently patient that was treated in St. Luke Hospital. Like most doctors, they tend to find their patient loss of hope due to diseases and or some situation. However, Doctors’ were given a chance to bring hope and salvation to their patient. The patient has been battling on to a rare disease. Dr. Kim is constantly treating this patient, and

The First Saint Luke Society General Assembly Concluded with Priority of World Medical Mission

The first Saint Luke Society General Assembly concluded gracefully. The conference schedule was bookended by services and included a special lecture, regional presentation, and the conference activities. At the special lecture, Dr. Joseph Lee, Saint Luke Society International Representative, delivered the vision of ‘preaching, teaching, and healing’. Medical mission is highly related to preaching, and it has the potential to reach people across Africa and the Middle East. Regarding the teaching aspect of the Saint

Saint Luke Society had a 2016 New Year Service

Representative Myung Sub Shin delivered a message titled “Blessed are the meek” base on Matthew 5:5. Rep. Shin preached that “I wish you to have a humble heart and to be filled with Holy Spirit.” and “In this year SLS will establish a new hospital and will do various things nationally and internationally. Even though the process won’t be easy and there may be stumbling blocks and hardships, I hope you always be humble and