SLS Healing Hands Completes Medical and Humanitarian Mission in Pandi City, Philippines
The SLS Healing Hands Medical Mission Team carried out a mission and volunteer schedule in the Philippines from February 15 to 17. The mission site,
We all need a mentor who can give us the right direction and counseling that is based on the Bible. Even doctors and medical health caregivers need mentoring as they fulfill their daily tasks.
St. Luke Society organizes an annual overseas short-term medical mission called ‘Healing Hands’ with a gospel-oriented mind. We know that there are many people who are in great need of medical help for various reasons
We wish to raise leaders who are not only experts in the medical field but also in the broad spectrum of life so that they can lead many people accordingly with relevant knowledge
It's easy for medical personnel to become spiritually dry and stagnant as they lack fellowship with God due to their busy lives. Saint Luke Society offers 10 Min QT on their official website.
The hospital is a place where medical professionals can practice and reveal the love of God. We wish to establish the ideal hospital with a culture of Christian values so that patients can receive the respect and care as individuals created in the image of God.
Saint Luke Society is also active in campus mission at medical, dental, and nursing schools. Just as the author of Ecclesiastes says to remember one’s Creator in the days of youth.
Recovery of humanity through healing,
Kingdom of God established on the Gospel
We wish to raise leaders who are not only experts in the medical field but also in the broad spectrum of life so that they can lead many people accordingly with relevant knowledge.
SLS brings people medical care that they need and serves them with the heart of Jesus Christ. SLS also aims to build hospitals on every continent to facilitate the international network.
Having fellowship (koinonia) among members is an important element for unity and spiritual growth. Members of Saint Luke Society have regular fellowship.
We have chapters in North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Our goal is to pioneer the remaining regions so that we can weave a larger net to establish a global network.
The SLS Healing Hands Medical Mission Team carried out a mission and volunteer schedule in the Philippines from February 15 to 17. The mission site,
Address: 115 Dover Furnace, New York, USA info@saintlukesociety.org
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