Saint Luke Society

Saint Luke Society Dental Clinic Practices Painless Procedure

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The 21st century is the era of advancement towards technology and medicine. Saint Luke Society Dental Clinic also plans to challenge their treatment and procedure adhering to this new era. For this challenge, SLS Dentistry plans to develop a painless dental treatment that is bearable for all ages and with any condition a patient has.

Many countries throughout the world fear the dental treatment. This hinders patient to go a dental clinic and leads to more problematic disease in the mouth such as gum disease, bad breath, tooth decay, tooth sensitivity, toothache, and more.

Moreover, the procedures for these treatments cost a lot of money, which dismay patients and rather ignore their current problem.

Therefore, Saint Luke Society Dental Clinic is setting up a cost-effective program for an advanced application for anesthesia towards the patient. The new anesthetic machine is designed to provide a more accurate injection of medicine to the oral cavity.

The new machine is significantly more comfortable than the syringe, which also reduces the anxiety of patients. This differentiates the dental practice towards patients. The machine is also an innovative and high-tech which is a very efficient use of time for the dental workers.

Dr. Shin, the dentist of Saint Luke Hospital shared “I experienced this machine and decide that I use it. The patients are satisfied with this machine.”