
SLS China’s Medical Outreach in Kunming City: Bringing Comfort to the Community

On August 25th and 26th, Saint Luke Society China carried out their first medical service event in Kunming city, Yunnan province. Pastor Simon and a dedicated team of seven doctors from SLS China participated in this three-day initiative, which was organized under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. After more than two months of preparation, SLS China established a meaningful partnership with the “Morning Light Gospel Center” in Kunming. This center specializes in assisting individuals

SLS Latin America Holds Leadership Workshop

Saint Luke Society Latin America organized a leadership workshop that commenced on August 14th, 2023, in Colombia. Leaders from Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic attended the workshop, which aimed to equip them with practical mission strategies for both online and onsite evangelism. In the initial session, participants received a comprehensive guide to virtual evangelism, with a specific emphasis on social network design management. Subsequently, they engaged in theoretical and practical

Comfort My People

Healing Hands Concludes Medical Outreach Treating 1300 Residents in The Philippines

The 4th medical outreach organized by Healing Hands and co-hosted by Saint Luke Society (SLS), Jesus World Mission (JWMC) the Presbyterian Church, and the Pandi City of Bulacan was successfully conducted from July 14th to 16th providing medical care to over 1,300 residents in the slum area of Pandi, Philippines. The Bulacan Pandi region of the Philippines is a representative slum created by relocating residents of Manila’s garbage town, and most of the residents here

Saint Luke Society Africa Hosted Prayer Conference, “The Awaken,”

“The Awaken” is a prayer conference organized on June 3rd and 4th, 2023 to bring Christian medical practitioners together to pray and share the Word of God. The purpose of this conference was to foster unity among medical professionals, deepen their relationship with God, and encourage spiritual growth. A total of 76 individuals registered for the program. During the conference, they fervently prayed for the healing of the sick, the fulfillment of God’s Word, and

SLS Korea Conducts Healing Hands Medical Services

On May 14th, Saint Luke Society Korea conducted a philanthropic medical service at the Cheonan Foreign Workers Support Center in Korea. This initiative aimed to provide free healthcare assistance to foreign workers in need. The volunteer service involved the participation of Dentist Na Kyung-Hwan from SLS, along with five external medical professionals, and 17 dedicated Healing Hands volunteer students. SLS had previously established a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Cheonan Foreign Workers Center, solidifying

SLS Colombia Visits Pediatric Cancer Foundation in Support of Children

On April 1st, the Representative of Saint Luke Society (SLS) Colombia, Dr. Daniela Ortiz, and her team carried out a heartwarming activity at the “Pequeños Valientes” pediatric cancer foundation in the city of Bogota. The activity was a joint effort with Emmanuel Church of Bogota and Creatio Latin America. At the request of the foundation, a program was organized for children with cancer to learn about the Gospel and the life of Jesus. Creatio Latin

SLS China Celebrates Its 15th Anniversary

On March 12th, Saint Luke Society China held its 15th-anniversary service in Thousand Lakes, Hangzhou City. The attendees include leaders and members of SLS China, who traveled across different provinces of China. The anniversary service was also attended by leaders of affiliated mission organizations who offered prayer and congratulatory messages. The sermon was delivered with a title, “Tribulation and Glory” exhorting members to hold on to God’s love and grace during tribulation with perseverance for

SLS Healing Hands Conducts Medical Mission in The Philippines

By the grace of God, Saint Luke Society successfully concluded the medical mission Healing Hands, which took place in the Philippines on the 4th and 5th of February. For this 2-day medical mission, doctors of SLS Korea and China teamed up with recruited medical professionals and student volunteers. They together treated 600 local residents in the Bulacan Pandi with a population of 155,115 people according to the 2023 census. The medical mission was carried out

SLS Korea Campus Club Leaders Visit St. Luke Hospital

Saint Luke Society wishes to raise young leaders who can lead the global medical society with passion and truth. For this purpose, SLS has established SLS campus clubs at different universities and provides Bible studies and outreach activities called ‘Healing Hands’ to students of medicine-related colleges. As the new year began, student president and vice-president were newly elected, especially at Semyung University. New student leaders are Oriental Medicine students and they were invited to visit

SLS Korea Conducts Field Visit For Medical Mission in the Philippines

Saint Luke Society Korea conducted a field visit to the Philippines on December 21st and 22nd in preparation for the Healing Hands medical outreach, which is scheduled to take place in February 2023 in collaboration with the local hospital in Manila, Philippines. The representative of SLS Korea Dr. Shin Myung Seop and director Jeong Chung-shin visited Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, where medical outreach will be conducted, and had a meeting with the hospital officials.