Saint Luke Society

EMAK Seminar Successfully Held in Korea


The seminar titled ‘Cheongra Spirit and Free Korea’ hosted by the Evangelical Medical Association of Korea (EMAK) and managed by Saint Luke Society took place successfully on November 25th at Gwangjin Central Church in Daegu, Korea

Following the worship service in Part 1, there were welcoming remarks by President Shin Myung Seop of EMAK, followed by a lecture delivered by Elder Jeon Jaegyu. Elder Jeon, a theologian and a medical doctor who served as the Dean of Keimyung Medical College and the President of Daeshin University, addressed the inception of the Cheongna spirit.

He highlighted how the Puritan spirit contributed to the abolition of absolute monarchy, and became the foundation for liberal democracy, and that the Republic of Korea also began with the foundation of the Puritan spirit. Cheongna means green ivy, and in English it is IVY. All IVY League universities in the United States started with the Puritan spirit, and as many missionaries worked on Cheongna Hill in Daegu Korea, this Puritan spirit was revealed in the world in the form of three ministries of Jesus’ Teaching, Preaching, and Healing, which is called Cheongna spirit.

This seminar witnessed the participation of approximately 300 believers. President Song Tae Seop of the Communion of Churches in Korea (CCIK) congratulated EMAK’s seminar and presented a development support fund of 5 million won.

For the preparation of this seminar, various individuals from the Christian community in Daegu collaborated with SLS. It served as a significant opportunity to promote both EMAK and Saint Luke Society. President Shin Myung-Seop remarked, ‘What started with a small faith was transformed into a significant work by the Holy Spirit. Initially, we planned to conduct a small-scale seminar online, but the speaker insisted on holding a larger gathering. We were hesitant due to financial difficulties, but with faith, we decided to proceed. Surprisingly, various donations poured in, exceeding the required amount.

Additionally, Elder Jeon Jaegyu, the speaker for this seminar, holds a prominent position in the Christian medical community. His seminar and promotion of the organization significantly elevated the stature of EMAK and SLS externally.