SLS News & Events

Korea-China Gathering of Saint Luke Society Concluded with Abundant Grace

Matt 8:5-13 let’s be the true medical man that can heal many with the faith base on Love Saint Luke Society held Korea – China gathering in Seoul from Jan 24 to Jan 25, 2015. Saint Luke Society of Korea shared the vision and strategies and development of medical missionary work. And Saint Luke Society of China shares vision and conditions of medical missionary work in China. It was very meaningful gathering to both countries,

Proper understandings of Christians about the Islam

SLS successfully conclude the Korean Christian Medical Personnel Seminar Part I The third seminar of ‘the Korean Christian Medical Personnel Seminar Part 1’ was held on June 13. This seminar consisted of a lecture on Islam and questionnaire session. In fact, the meeting was scheduled for two hours but the meeting concluded much later than expected as the audience was so passionate about asking questions on the subject that they are interested. Rev. Hae-Seok Yoo

History of Medical Mission and the Future

The Third “Leadership Seminar of Korean Christian Medical Personnel” successfully finished. SLS”s held another leadership seminar, which is part 2 of third “Leadership Seminar of Korean Christian Medical Personnel.” This seminar consisted of a lecture, Q&A session and the introduction of SLS. This session was scheduled for only two hours, but the meeting finished much later than expected due to the passion of the participants. It was similar when they had part 1 two weeks

Saint Luke Society Support Single Parent Families with Medical Services

Saint Luke Society Medical Services Sung Buk Gu, Seoul. They were there to serve the local community through medical services. The medical services intended to educate them about how to prevent dental diseases and give them clinical advice. Representative Shin who was in charge of dental disease prevention education, emphasized, “For children, a cavity is the most common while it is gum disease for adults. To prevent these, you need to brush your teeth properly

Third Korea Medical People’s End-of-the-Year Party Concludes

The third Korea Medical People’s End-of-the-Year party held by Saint Luke Society concluded with abundant grace, through which they shared what God has done for SLS and makes plans for upcoming 2016. SLS has been serving the community through great unseen sacrifices. In response to this, God has blessed the SLS Medical Foundation the Saint Luke Hospital. With two great pillars set up, SLS is approaching a big dream to reveal God’s healing power to

SLS China Holds First Meeting in 2016

SLS China members gathered together to discuss the goals and vision of 2016 and share their plans individually. The vision of SLS China in 2016 is to become stronger and open more ministries to preach the gospel and save souls. In order to welcome the online APP of “Dr. Luke”(“路加医生”), the leader has set 3 aspects as follows: To serve oversea missionaries sent by China churches. They plan to mail some daily drugs to their

Active movement of personal faith training (PBS) in SLS

Personal faith training (PBS) is spreading out to SLS members of all nations. The members set the goals of these four parts, ‘P’ as ‘prayer, ‘B’ as ‘bible and book’, ‘S’ as ‘Service’ (PBS). All members of SLS hope to be more mature Christian by following the standards of faith which are listening to the words, meditating, praying, giving service every day. Not only the members who are students but also the doctors who are