Personal faith training (PBS) is spreading out to SLS members of all nations.
The members set the goals of these four parts, ‘P’ as ‘prayer, ‘B’ as ‘bible and book’, ‘S’ as ‘Service’ (PBS). All members of SLS hope to be more mature Christian by following the standards of faith which are listening to the words, meditating, praying, giving service every day.
Not only the members who are students but also the doctors who are actively working in hospitals decided to participate in this movement. They are going to meditate on the word and doing mission work. This challenged to the student members because even the doctors who are in the active work are being the example of faith, setting the right standards of faith.
Jae Kook Yu, the general director said: “This movement is for doctors and medical students who can not come to the center of SLS every day.” “I believe that a greater power and blessing will be upon us when we are faithful to the basics of the faith.