SLS Representative and General Secretary Appointed in the United States


Saint Luke Society North America is strengthened by the appointment of two leaders, Pastor Samuel Lee as the SLS US Representative and Chris Baton as the SLS US General Secretary. With the new acquisitions of mission centers this year throughout the United States, a big vision of starting the hospital was set before the upcoming General Assembly.

Like a mustard seed, the leadership hopes to start the grand dream through prayers. These two newly appointed leaders will act as prayer warriors, igniting the heart of everyone to join asking God for mercy and blessing to start this crucial hospital. As newly appointed leaders, both Pastor Samuel and Chris Baton want to share their reflections:

Pastor Samuel Li

Matthew 17:20 I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.

” I received a lot of power and strength from the bible message. Even if your faith is like mustard seeds. God will also work through this. God’s will is higher than our will, God’s will is higher than our mind. Treat God’s call with awe and fear. Everything has God’s reason. It will be done only by God’s power. About why we should build hospitals? It is not only for the community but also for the souls. Many people are suffering because of physical disease. But, sadly, there are cases where doctors, instead of giving people constant care and comfort, they cause more pain, which is a tragedy. Thinking of why Israelites could not enter Canaan is because they were too corrupt but we need to be more alert. Healing ability is also given by God, and it really needs to be used for healing and comfort. I am very thankful that God chose us for this very purpose. I hope that hospitals cab be built near each mission center in the future.”

Christ Baton

“Being appointed as US SLS General Secretary is a great blessing God has granted me. I know that there are some challenges ahead of us and if we rely on our strength, nothing can be done. However, with faith and God’s mercy, we will be able to breakthrough. The work is big in the US but workers are few. So we ask the Holy Spirit to guide us through like the same way where the early church was moved by It.