SLS Korea’s Last Week Preparations Toward SLS First International Mission in the Philippines

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A week from now, Saint Luke Society in Korea will hold their first official International Medical Mission in South East Asia. A new era of mission will be born from the gathering of medical doctors and workers to serve and spread of the Gospel in the island of Cebu, the Philippines scheduled on July 28 to Aug 1.

The medical mission will be the gathering of SLS Doctors with the joint assistance from various staffs coming from 5 countries – Korea, US, Bolivia, China, and the Philippines. Meanwhile, the Government of the Philippines, local hospitals, and military hospitals will be also be contributing to help for supplies and spread the news.

It was reported that an estimate of 1,000 participants is expected to be treated. As of currently, the Olivet Churches are preparing for the main location in Turuban City which was finalized this month. Leaders from the Philippines are in constant communication with the participating staff and officials in order to finalize the schedule.

Meanwhile, a pre-final conference was held by the Headquarters of Saint Luke Society in Korea giving guidance towards the doctors and staff, also flights going to the Philippines was confirmed and set. Leaders from other countries joining were also confirmed with flights with last preparation are being made.

Leaders are seeking for prayers for the first medical mission in the Philippines. Also, may God brings blessing and revival to those who will be participating in the medical mission.