SLS China Opens its First Clinic in Shenzhen

NewsSLS News & Events

By the Grace of God, Saint Luke Society established its first clinic in Shenzhen, China. The clinic “Shenzhen Luke Traditional Chinese Medicine” started its operation on January 7.

The clinic received its first patients and was treated using the traditional Chinese medicine application.

In the afternoon, the clinic then offered its rest of the day to God, bringing the Olivet Assembly Shenzhen Church prayer group, Elim to pray for the staff and members of Saint Luke Society. The two Doctors testified the comfort of God brought to their heart.

One of the SLS staff also shared his testimony, “We are more determined that the clinic belongs to God, He is the master, we are called to do this work in order to get God’s blessing. Hoping that through our meager sacrifice, God can open to us.”

“Like the miracle of five bread two fish, we pray that God can make way for the Chinese Medicine Clinic forging His Kingdom, and become towering trees.”