Korea-China Gathering of Saint Luke Society Concluded with Abundant Grace

SLS News & Events

Matt 8:5-13 let’s be the true medical man that can heal many with the faith base on Love

Saint Luke Society held Korea – China gathering in Seoul from Jan 24 to Jan 25, 2015.

Saint Luke Society of Korea shared the vision and strategies and development of medical missionary work. And Saint Luke Society of China shares vision and conditions of medical missionary work in China. It was very meaningful gathering to both countries, Korea shared know-hows about medical missionary works and hospital work and China delivered their development and passion.

On Jan 24th Shin, the representative of Saint Luke Society Korea delivered message based on Matthew 8:5~13 and preached that “We need to be the true medical men who have faith upon love like the centurion so that we can take care of many souls and cure them through medical treatment which is given by God. “ After the opening service, members introduced briefly, Saint Luke Society of Korea shared the vision and play in the detail presentation. Firstly, representative Shin remarked, “Our vision is to build the world without a pain. For this, we have seven specific strategies for this.

  1. The gospel is to preach and this is base of all the ministries we do
  2. To train Christian doctors
  3. Medical Advances to treat patients
  4. Establishing Bioethics
  5. Holistic Therapy and Education
  6. Conquer Disease for the world health
  7. Be Specialist in certain medical field

He added, “You should prepare diligently when you are in Medical School so that you will be ready for your Medical Ministry later.”

On Jan 25, Xiao Li, the representative of Saint Luke Society China delivered the message at the closing service. She preached the message based on Timothy 1:12~16. She remarked, “It is totally the grace of God that we are here, everything is the grace from above. The fact that we can breathe and live, pray and listen to the Word of God and worship God, build up experiences in the hospital and learn, every single thing that we do is truly by the Grace of God.”

“We are lacking in many ways and we are not capable of change anything but in Christ, we can do everything, we have received the power to cure not only the physical disease but also the spiritual diseases. We are not worthy but by giving thanks to God we can come forward to God and I believe that we can be the precious ministers and serve.” she preached.