SLS Hosts the 3rd Medical Dreamer with Participation of 150 Students

NewsSLS News & Events

On January 16th, 5pm (Korea local time), Saint Luke Society hosted the first online lecture of two for the 3rd Medical Dreamer, drawing 150 students from across the nation.

SLS has been organizing Medical Dreamer every year and this is the 3rd one, which took place online. Many students from across the country who are dreaming to become medical personnel applied for the program. Prior to the first lecture, students received a program orientation video and brochure explaining the participation rules and instructions. Also, they received a link to where they can submit their reflection afterwards.

On this day, Dr. Joseph Lee, Dr. So Young Jung, and Dr. Jiye Kim delivered a lecture on the below topics respectively, various medical career paths, conviction on the vision, and study skills and each lecture lasted for 30 minutes. After the lecture, there was a time of taking a group photo and students were guided to write their reflection.

Most of the participants submitted their lengthy reflections. Among those who wrote impressive ones will be asked to record a video and be used for making a promotional video later.