Saint Luke Society Laying Foundations Strengthening Global Network and Advancement


Establishing the new General Secretary in HQ Dover was the first pillar that the Board of Directors of Saint Luke Society made. With the General Secretary handling the affairs of global development and network, it will ease the pressure on the Korea leaders handling the major affairs. Moreover, the focus of expansion will bring new networks and chapter all over the world.

The Saint Luke Society renewed their global advancement plans as HQ works as the vanguard of mission and development. On the previous year, the Saint Luke Society in Korea was focused on the stability of the hospital that was purchased. With God’s grace, after constant battles, the SLS will enter its new era of advancement such as plantation of clinics and hospitals all over the world.

China as one of the highest population on the plant, Saint Luke Society leaders will be planting a strong leadership and structure in the region. In China, the SLS has the highest amount of doctors and medical workers in the region, working on other clinics and hospitals. The SLS wants to bring these God-given workers to work on SLS own properties, prioritizing the work that Jesus gave us.

As of currently, SLS leaders are bringing new evangelists to find souls in the hospital and medical facilities. SLS is looking for more missionaries who will bring more medical workers through our community, and experience Jesus’ saving salvation and work for His kingdom.